Some of Limerick Dragons were involved in a Photovoice project, led by Dr Michelle Norris, Lero, University of Limerick. This project was held over 2 day workshops in which attendees, all of whom were breast cancer survivors and patients, were exposed to research outlining the importantce of physical activity for living with and beyond breast cancer. Participants were shown the role technology could take in improving activity levels. Through the medium of photography, participants were asked to explore their thoughts and feelings surrounding breast cancer, physical activity and technology. The project displays a powerful projection of the lives of those living with and beyond breast cancer and the roles cancer, physical activity and technology have in their lives. The posters in the photos were displayed in UL as part of National Women’s Day 2020. 5 members of Limerick Dragons were participants with 2 of Limerick Dragons forming part of the research team. The program was sponsored by the Irish Cancer Society and Lero/The Irish Software Research Centre. In addition to Dr. Norris, Professor Ita Richardson, Dr. Pauline Meskell and Yvonne Davis headed up the team. Every participant took 10 photos. 3 photos from each participant was chosen by the participants to go forward for the display posters. The remaining 7 photos from each participant was included in a booklet which is now available. This was a lovely project for Limerick Dragons to be involved in and it was amazing to see all these people come together and share their photos, stories and encouragement of each other at the workshops. So much support, love and hope in one room.
No Longer Whole But Still Strong – A Photovoice Project by Michelle Norris – issuu